Targeting the next large gold-copper porphyry
- Targeting Au-Cu porphyry system
- Potentially analogous to geological setting of Cadia – similarities include:
- Multiple intrusive phases, numerous dykes, volcanic host rock
- Sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite), dissemination
- Propylitic (carbonate, chlorite) and potassic alteration incl. skarn
- Scale of magnetic feature (>5km)
- 20 historical alluvial/hard-rock mine workings which extracted chalcopyrite and Au associated with quartz veins
- Shallow historical drilling – high-grade Au within lower-grade zones
- Eg. 8m@3.38 g/t within 40m@0.92
- Previously identified ~300m deep IP chargeability anomaly – undrilled, coincident with 1VD magnetic high and surface geochemistry
- Native Title agreements in place; cultural heritage survey completed for first drill program

Targeting the next Cadia/Ridgeway
- Targeting Au-Cu porphyry system
- Potentially analogous to geological setting of Cadia – similarities include:
- Multiple intrusive phases, numerous dykes, volcanic host rock
- Sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite), dissemination
- Propylitic (carbonate, chlorite) and potassic alteration incl. skarn
- Scale of magnetic feature (>5km)
- 20 historical alluvial/hard-rock mine workings which extracted chalcopyrite and Au associated with quartz veins
- Shallow historical drilling – high-grade Au within lower-grade zones
- Eg. 8m@3.38 g/t within 40m@0.92
- Previously identified ~300m deep IP chargeability anomaly – undrilled, coincident with 1VD magnetic high and surface geochemistry
- Cultural heritage survey completed
- Native Title agreements in place; cultural heritage survey nearing signoff